3 Cheers to JIMBO'S Launch
After the long wait, the greatest task of preparations and the excitement that we will be on the road, we finally made it on the Glorious Sunny day of the 25th of January 2020. Phewwww! We made it and what a blast it was, a hype of adrenaline, a stream of joys and a massive thank you to our Father above. Despite being cut short by the authorities! We loved and thoroughly enjoyed three solid hours of providing a public service of sweetness, love and happiness.... but hey, let me get the exciting and pleasurable pieces in first before I go down the grim road....Hahahahaha!
Being a total Novice and funny enough, that was referring to all of us, however, nothing was going to stop us and with pure human determination spearing through with the knowledge, experience and constant debates, a few arguments topped with agreements including disagreements! Let me share with you 'A family business is surely not an easy task'...LOL! Hip hip hooray to JIMBO's!!!!
So, we did forget a few basic things like change and diesel for the generator and after more running around we managed to get to our site, 'My Suva Park' by 11am. Setting up was also a tad of a struggle as having planned to sell JIMBO'S Burgers, Ice Cream, Soft Serve , scoop and sundaes then serving juice was a lot to fit in our colourful van, the calculation we did probably forget was having four bif Fijians in at once....Hahahaha..we did all laugh aloud when we noticed that we lacked some space, but hey! Lessons learnt and a good suggestion to the family to trim down and eat less...lol!
Our first order was dished out at 1pm exactly and it was an order of five Mega JIMBO's Deal which included a Juicy Burger, Chips and a Juice all for $12.00, then vehicles started to pile up and all hands on deck as we were selling like hot cakes juggling through the freezer, hot plates and chipper was a blast and a buzz. The weather didn't help with us as the sun was piercing through heat waves but for JIMBO'S the weather was definitely our blessings as the ques extended for people lining up for something cold, the juices flowing and the ice creams were the hit of the day.........
As it calmed down a little around 3.30pm we all took a breather and I managed to get in a live video to announce our 'LAUNCH', then we had another wave of thirsty and hungry customers but unfortunately amongst these customers was a man with a mission, a man from the Authorities working the weekends and after a long discussion we had no alternative but to pack up as the Authorities stated that we can no longer sell at the park!!!! Booooooo!
The irony is, having waited for nearly a year for our necessary paperwork, it was the authorities themselves who gave as the 'Go Ahead' and sell and should anyone ask to provide the excuse of our paperwork still in progress and we have been duly informed to sell whilst we wait.....Hmmm it definitely didn't happen on our LAUNCH, we packed up around 4pm and headed home exhausted but frustrated as we all had a super adrenaline blast from father, mother, daughter and son with a nephew as a helping hand.
What a day and what an opening only to be closed, but hey! No frowns, we will regather, we will overcome and we will be out there soon....Another 3 cheers to JIMBO'S, Hip Hip HooraYYYYYYYYYYY!