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I'm just a common man

I posted this on Social Media and I will share on this blog as it is relevant to JIMBO's

September 27, 2019

I am just a common man, a breadwinner like most of you hard working people and all I wish to do is connect and share as I also have feelings, feelings for our Families, feelings for our Country and feelings for our Planet, in particular for our children of tomorrow.

I’m sure we are all fully aware of the Topical Phrase ‘Climate Change’ and ‘Global Warming’ spreading around the Globe and in particular here in Fiji, especially the disastrous effects causing the Globe today. Many Pacific Islanders, including myself are actual victims and witnesses to the detrimental damages and horrendous effects resulting from ‘Climate Change’ as in loss of crops through extreme weather conditions, relocation of villages by the shore line from rising sea levels, unknown airborne diseases, mysterious deaths and worst of all drowning of low-level Islands within the South Pacific.

With all this in mind, all I wish to do is contribute the best way I can, to actively act to help save what we have left. As one thing for sure which I do believe in, is ‘ACTIONS definitely speaks louder than WORDS’. To me, our actions should meet our sentiments and if someone constantly talks about the plight of ‘Climate Change’ but never acts towards actionable work in any way mitigating that plight, then their words are of empty quality and are totally meaningless. I will come to the reason why later on.

If I was to list a few facts about Climate Change witnessed here in the Pacific, they would be the following:

  1. A high percentage of carbon released in the environment is due to deforestation and change in use of land.
  2. Vehicles contribute to a high percentage of carbon emissions.
  3. Frequent Hurricanes, extreme Cyclones, droughts and coral deaths are few of the natural disasters caused due to climate change including the most concerned in the Pacific which are rising sea water levels.
  4. Fiji is a non-industrialized Country, therefore we are not a large contributor to pollution, which is one of the reasons why our Government are trying to persuade industrialized Countries to take action and reduce carbon emissions, however even though, we still need to clean our own backyard first as the effects are contributing to new diseases, extreme weather patterns and rising sea levels destroying homes and livelihood.
  5. Steps to reduce greenhouse gases can help save the negative health impacts like NCDs and so forth. Promoting safe public transportation and active activities like walking or cycling can help reduce carbon emissions. This can also help to cut down traffic, air pollution and thereby reducing diseases.
  6. Promoting green transportation can also help reduce carbon emissions.

And the list goes on and on. However, if we delve deeper, we will realise and I hope the majority will concur that the ROOT CAUSE of all these occurrences are actually us, we the Human mankind, yes, we are the creators of this disaster and it can only be us Humans to blame and it can only be us Humans who can resolve this frightful problem before everything becomes too late.

I was sadly impressed with a signage posted on social media not long ago. As even though it sounded funny, it actually related the TRUTH, summarising in capital letters how we Human Beings are the actual source and root cause of ‘Climate Change’. The sad part is that we are now being reminded to ‘Act like Animals’ and yes Animals do not litter, they do not pollute our planet and they certainly do not release carbon emissions.

Which brings me back to the reason for my post as alluded to above. Again I will say that I wish to contribute and I hope I can share my contribution to Fiji and the Pacific as I also care, I worry, not only for today but especially for our children tomorrow.

Our Fiji Government has been echoing the Global Fight for ‘Climate Change’ locally and internationally, our Prime Minister championed the COP23 as President in Bonn, Germany, spoke highly at the Pacific Islands Forum and recently currently in New York with our Ministers, again aggressively pursuing the fight to promote sustainable development seeking donations from Countries around the Globe to assist in battling this disastrous phenomenon. During the 2019 Budget address by our Attorney General, he emphasized the plight of Fiji and the Pacific Islands for solutions to battle ‘Climate Change’ including our Minister for Infrastructure and Transport pleading to the people of Fiji to share innovations and ideas to fight Climate Change and help with ideas to reduce carbon emissions and so forth.

Well, this is my story, my contribution, my humble support as I actioned my words. I actually did something about these pleas from our Government and I stand to be corrected, as I believe I purchased a first for Fiji and bought an ‘Electric Vehicle/Cart’ a vehicle that produces ‘ZERO carbon emissions’, all on the bases of our Governments plea and countless sermons being preached not only in Fiji but to the World, and then sadly, believing that I was doing something right, believing that I have started a new era in Fiji by doing what our Government has and is still crying for, shamelessly, only to be rejected by our Land Transport Authority for ‘Registration’! Their reason stating that the vehicle was ‘Non-Compliant’!

I have also succumbed to disbelief when again another reason provided by our Land & Transport Authority stated that I did not seek their approval before making this purchase? I can assure you all, I researched high and low seeking advice from the necessary departments of importing this ‘Electric Cart’ which mind you was approved by FIRCA, Inland Revenue and Customs & Exercise and not one department stated that I required the LTA’s authority, even on their own LTA website, it does not say or stipulate anything about seeking their approval. My DREAM Electric Vehicle is now parked idle on my driveway at home because LTA find it unsafe to be driven on our roads, sounds ironic doesn’t it, a vehicle that emits no pollution is now classed as ‘UNSAFE’.

Not wanting to be deterred and having faith in our Government having actioned a Countries plea for reducing carbon emissions, I wrote a letter of assistance to the Attorney General himself only to be passed on to one of his assistants and until today after nearly four months I have heard nothing back. I wrote a letter to the Honorable Prime Minister and similar to the above, nothing heard. I pursued further and requested the assistance of the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure and even though he did respond, it wasn’t the response one would suggest as relevant. Which brings me back to how I have now come to believe, that all these words from our Government are of empty quality and are totally meaningless.

I have wrecked my brains, trying to make sense of a decision I made based on our Government of Fiji’s fight for Climate Change and just yesterday the new Climate Change Bill 2019 was released on their Facebook page, a Bill which aims to provide a comprehensive framework to guide our response to climate change. Claiming to set an example for the rest of the world to follow and ensure a better future for Fijian children. Reducing carbon emissions is highly emphasized in this Bill, but when my small contribution has been rejected, it casts serious doubts and uncertainty as to where is the truth? What is the reality? What do we have to actually do? Have I just wasted a large amount of money investing in a ‘DREAM’ and an answer to Climate Change only to be denied registration for an Electric vehicle that reduces ZERO emissions is indeed mind boggling? I have even stated in my various letters that my business will also advocate ‘No Plastics’, what more do you need? What else can I do? 

Here’s a link to a full copy of the Climate Change Bill 2019:

Funnily enough, I even requested a ‘TALANOA’ session (Again another Government initiative) to all parties so that we may work together and derive a plan where we can all benefit from this purchase of mine, how can we work towards making it ‘compliant’? Remember, I am on your side and I wish to help? And if you ask me, honestly, this would be a starting response for our Government to say to the World, they mean what they preach and they will encourage others to follow suit. Sadly, again, no one wants a TALANOA session with me.

I am just a common man, a bread winner who cares, who believed in our Government but have been let down, anyway why should they care, as all I am is a common man.

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